
Showing posts from November, 2018


Success for me is when you feel that you’ve done enough of what ever it is that you needed to to do to make yourself happy. It’s at the point where you’ve reached satisfaction. Monseigneur Bienvenu is a character that pleases his values not everyone else’s and that makes him successful. He doesn’t need the power or money to be successful, he defines success in a totally different way.

Can intellectual opposites attract

The most interesting part to me was when G——- was calling out the Bishop even though he wasn’t right. He thought that all bishops were the same so he assumed that the bishop was the same as all the other ones. I thought that it was smart of Mr. Bienvenu to rather explain himself in a way that made him seem different then others because if it had been someone else then they probably would have lashed out and that wouldn’t have gained the respect from G——-.