Writing About Life and Death

            The story, Katha Unpanishad is used as a way of showing allegory. An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that sends out a hidden message. When death appears as a character in the story that is showing allegory. Also when Nachiketa represents what is best about being a teenager. Something else that shows allegory is the abstract theme of religion and death. 
            First, allegory is used when death is represented as a character whose name is Yama. Yama lives in an abode where he is visited by Nachiketa. Yama is able to grant people boons which are wishes. He offers Nachiketa 3 boons, but is only able to grant him 2 of them. The third is telling him the secret about whether there is still existence after death. Even himself being death cannot necessarily give him the answer to his question. This shows that maybe never will anyone alive be able to know what it is to be dead.
            Secondly, Nachiketa shows people what is best about being a teenager. Nachiketa is not like most teenagers. He values things different. He shows this when Yama offers him 3 boons. One of his wishes is to have the love of his father when he returns and the second is to know the fire sacrifice that leads to heaven. His third boon was to know what occurs after death. Yama didn't know how to explain it to him so he offered him other things which Nachiketa thought would serve him no good since they would not last forever. He also knew that they didn't have the equal value because nothing in the world had the same value as knowing the truth about what happens after we die. He has intelligence that doesn't allow him to be tricked. He also shows that through curiosity, teenagers are the ones mainly wanting to know things so we don't give up that easily. Our minds and souls have not hit that part in life where we just obey everything so when we want to know something, it's like nothing can stand in our way. Sometimes teenagers are labeled to be some certain type of way, but that is not who must of them are.
           Finally, the abstract theme of religion and death is shown in this story. This story shows how there are people who are so curious to know if you still live on after death or how it feels to be dead. This has always been something that people have wondered about because you can't die and then comeback to be able to explain what it is to be dead. Now if you believe in some type of religion then you live having faith that after you die you go to heaven or whatever it is that your religion wants you to believe. I personally have been told that after you die, you either go to heaven, hell or you are stuck in between both of them depending on the person you are when you die. So because of my faith I have believed that you will still exist after you die no matter where you go, but sometimes I'm not sure that it is true.This is something that people will ponder about for many years.
          In conclusion, this story has a way of making you think of things you would not always think about. It sends us messages that are very important today. How teenagers are not just brainless people and how afterlife will probably never be explained. 


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