
In Les Miserables, there is a dynamic character named Jean ValJean. Jean ValJeanis a dynamic character because he changes throughout the story. He's either going through a good or bad character change. For instance, Jean ValJean became an evil man because of the way that he was treated in prison. Then he became a good person because of the situation with the bishop. Although, it did seem he was changing into a good person, there was still a part of him still had anger towards the world so in the story he was mean to the little boy.
When Jean ValJean was in prison,he became miserable. He was in prison for stealing a loaf of bread that was not even going to go towards him to eat, but to his family that he had to take care of.Then, while in prison he worked ,but what he was paid was very little. He did not even get to keep all the money that he was going to paid because they still kept a portion of what he had worked for. So when he got out of prison, he felt like there was no hope,he had given up on people.
The Bishop is someone who starts to influence Jean ValJean's character. Jean ValJean came asking for a place to stay in, the Bishop did not deny his request. The Bishop let him in and he didn't treat Jean ValJean like if the only thing that he was, was a criminal. Since Jean ValJean had stayed the night, he decided that e wanted to steal the Bishop's silver and leave, but he was caught and was returned to the Bishop. The Bishop did not want Jean ValJean to go back to prison because he knew that Jean ValJean was an innocent man that was destroyed when he was wrongly mistreated. The Bishop told the police that it was a gift given by him to Jean ValJean and no harm was done to him. Meeting someone like the Bishop, made Jean ValJean see things differently and start to act in a different way.
Although, knowing  the Bishop has made an impact on Jean ValJean, he still hasn't changed entirely. In chapter 13 Les Miserables, a boy had been playing with his coins and he had a forty-sous piece. When the boy did not catch the forty-sous piece, it had rolled toward the thicket. Jean ValJean decided to put his feet on it. The boy asked for his coin back, but Jean ValJean would not give it back. When the boy left, Jean ValJean found himself observing the forty-sous piece when he picked up his stick. He then realized that he should have given it to the child, so he did his best to find him and give him his forty-sous piece. When he could no longer keep looking for the little boy, he went to go ask for forgiveness. Jean ValJean had become a conflicting man that doesn't know who to be most of the time.
To sum it up, Jean ValJean is a dynamic character. He goes through his worst and best times. He can find himself being a very cruel man or asking for forgiveness and trying to become a better man.


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